The East Fork of the Little Buffalo River has many tributaries. This hike involves three branches of one of these tributaries. Another area recently hiked has the same name...Dismal Creek by the map but this one is known as Dismal Hollow by the same map. I have always assumed that the creek within the hollow would carry the same name and the reverse when only the creek is named. By this logic both of these creeks would be Dismal Creek and both would be in Dismal Hollow. Food at Denny's in Russellville, as usual for this area. My plan was to camp on a bluff.
After parking just off Hwy 16 a pack of country mongrels attacked me...well...they barked a lot and made more noise than wanted when walking down the road at 6:00 in the morning. Luckily I was equipped with a primed sack of skunks…I tossed it in their direction. They ran away like little girl puppies. The woods were entered on the third fork from the left. This creek has four main subsidiaries. The main one was one fork to the right. The amount of snow encountered was surprising, but I would not be deterred. The creek was followed and many obstacles were negotiated. By 12:15 the East fork was in view. The sun was now out...much of the morning it was not. The starting temp was 28° and now it was 52° or so. I ate some luncheon foods whilst sitting on a small boulder.
The scramble to the bluff line was steep, slippery and brushy. A break in the rock was easily found and the valley view was before me in no time. The wind was 10-20 mph and made the experience less than optimal. I worked my way west down the line of precipices in search of the perfect campsite. In the end, the wind made my mind up for me and the woods were exited at 6:30. I knew this decision would be regretted later...and it was. This area is largely unspoiled and very impressive. I believe a good waterfall was probably missed on the way out but it was getting dark. Total distance came in at 10.8 miles.