Bluff Line Hike Along the Rim of Big Creek not Far from Sam's Throne
  Bluffs abound in the Ozarks. Bluffs do not abound in the Ouachitas. This fact draws me northward much more often than the lack of bluffs draws me southward. There is a wavy line of bluffs off Hwy 123 that recently caught my attention, therefore exploration was in order. Many are aware of Sam's Throne south of Mt Judea. The bluffs in this locale are quite stunning and many a climber has clung to their craggy faces. This series of cliffs extends well to the south above the valley of Big Creek. Yes, this is the land of hogs...not razorbacks but the tasty bacon producing variety. Unfortunately the C&H Pork Pit lies just to the southwest of the Sam's Throne bluffs and has cast a shadow on this area due to its potential to add porky pollutants to our beloved Buffalo River. Speaking of pork, breakfast was had at Denny's in Russellville at around 3:30 a.m. and as much as I like Denny's, there is one gripe that should be spoken to. They serve the tiniest pieces of bacon in the industry. It is truly shameful! Otherwise a fine morning meal can be had there.
  At 5:30 I leisurely strolled south on Hwy 123 and entered the forest after about 1.5 miles of road passed beneath me. It was a comfortable 50°. Before long, the bluff line was encountered and it was then that beautiful Big Creek Valley was seen...in the dark. Mainly just lights in the distance were visible. Before too long the sun did arrive and this wide pastoral vale displayed its loveliness...save for the two large white rectangular porcine stables that inhabit the basin well to the north. As the sun moved up the horizon I made my way along the bluffs until arriving fairly near the Sam's Throne area. It was here, at 11:40 that my exit was made from the woods and back to the yellow striped and well guard railed parkway. By now the temp had spiked to near 60°. The total mileage was 5.7. It should be noted that there is a portion of the point seen on the map that is private property. Of course, my passage left no trace...aside from two skunks.

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