Buzzard's Roost has been stuck in the back of my head for a good while now. It suddenly appeared near the front just the other day so it seemed like a good time to visit this buzzard laden locale. My wife Elita and I ate some breakfast a Dewayne's in Dover at 5:00 a.m. Saturday morning. We then proceeded up Hwy 7 to Hwy 123 where we headed west. At 4.7 miles we turned left and went south on FS 1802 for 3.1 miles then left at the fork onto FS 1805 for 3.5 miles just past an old white house.
We headed in on the old road on the left at 7:00 with a temp in the low 30's. The sun soon arrived and the morning was bright and crisp. After close to two miles of mud hole dodging the natural bridge was in sight. The next stop was across the hollow to the roost. This is an unusual blob of rounded chunks of rock with many crevasses making it difficult to access the outermost edges of the formation. After some exploration and lounging about, we headed back to the vehicle. The hike was easy save for the mud holes. Near noon a burger was had at the little cafe at Mack's Pines on Hwy 7.
The round trip hike was near 4.5 miles.