Climb up Forked Mountain on the Edge of Flatside Wilderness Area
  Forked Mountain lies due west of Flatside Pinnacle in the eastern Ouachita National Forest. This peak has always been known to me as Forked Pinnacle, from an early topo map, I am thinking. Other mountains in the area use that classification, like North Fork Pinnacle and Flatside Pinnacle. A suitable parking spot was secured at 5:50 a.m. and then I headed uphill on an old eroding road towards the base of the mountain. The skies were clear and moonless with a temp of 51°. Climbing this bastard was difficult in the dark being unsure of the route. With my first ascent back in the early 80's, the route was from the northeast side. The summit was achieved just before sunrise with a light breeze blowing.
  This mountain has been abused by visitors that care nothing about the outdoors. Just like Flatside Pinnacle, scum sucking lowlifes have trashed these promontories by cutting down trees for firewood and leaving garbage all over the place. This is a recurring theme that I have encountered in many a remote location and...well...what can you do? The view from here is fantastic looking to the west southwest into Flatside Wilderness. To the south and south southwest it is also decent. If you look in any other direction you will see clear cuts and logging and roads and what is best described as a big mess. This peak is still worth visiting at least once, but many aspects of it are disappointing. There is a road on the east side that can be used for access as well. A large cave in the area is usually occupied by sub-human types camping there, so beware. By 9:00 my car was in sight with a temp of 56°. Total hike action was 1.8 miles.

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