Richland Creek Wilderness Area
Richland Creek Wilderness Area two man overnight backpack
7:15 in the morning it was. We ate at Dewayne's in Dover. We proceeded to enter said restaurant and chose a table. We chose wisely, for choosing unwisely could be deadly. The joint was filled with unsavory biker types...they looked us over with great scrutiny. We ignored their gazes and went about with ordering our generous breakfast platters that Dewayne serves up daily. We ate with leisure while watching each other's backs. I slurped coffee while he sipped the beverage of his preference. After many assorted and profuse belches, we each leaned back in our well hewn country style chairs. There was still an atmosphere of discomfort as the locals continued to stare in our general direction. At this point, we were full of food and also full of this nonsense. With a nod from me, we simultaneously lifted our sides of the heavily laden table skyward. He swung his end to the right while I pivoted in place. With a mutual grin we tossed the table towards the offending parties and hit the door without paying the bill. Off we drove with squealing tires leaving assorted donut patterns in the parking surface. All existing Harley type motorbikes were bumped as we exited. Imagine their chagrin as they poured from the cafe entrance with no way to give chase. Poor bastards...guess we won't be visiting Dewayne's any time soon.
The morning was cloudy and as we gained elevation the road become increasingly ensconced in fog. I powered through and we eventually reached our destination around 10:00. It was 65°. He hoisted his massive Sherpa style pack onto his back while I did the same with my more conservative sized backpack. We proceeded into the forest and wrestled with many creatures...all of which we defeated. Soon we were poised on a cliff's edge pondering the expanse of the valley below. We set up camp, did some stuff, ate some food, sat by the fire, slept some, then left. My OTU (Outdoor Transportation Unit) pulled into the home driveway around 11:30. Good trip man. I sent him on his way and ate some luncheon meats.