Upper Cave Creek
Bluff hike above Cave Creek, tributary of the Buffalo, Ozark National Forest
  Cave Creek is one of the Buffalo River’s major tributaries that flows from south to north. There is a hollow just off of the upper creek that has one of the finest bluff lines in the Ozarks. This bluff line is not it. This line is just to the north and not as nearly well defined, but still has some interesting edges. On this Saturday morning, my day began at Denny’s in Russellville. Not long after parking at my starting point a large blob of rain passed across my location. I napped for an hour while waiting for its progression to the east. Once out of the way, the forest was penetrated. By then it was 6:30 with 66° and cloudy skies. By the time I hit the first bluff line, the skies were clearing. The woods were dripping wet and so were my clothes. This peninsula of a ridge was traced around until a decent location was found. I spent some time there and then continued on around. Not many great views were observed but the hike was still enjoyable. By 12:00 my three mile walk ended. The temp remained in the upper 70's. I then drove home at a high rate of speed illegally passing assorted vehicles that hindered my advancement down Hwy 7. I apologize to the many vehicles that I ran off the road.

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