Water Creek
Hike on Water Creek to the Buffalo River7/7/18
The Buffalo River has many branches. One of its major tributaries comes in from the north without much notice and is called Water Creek. It enters a little more than three miles upstream from Buffalo Point. On my way to the creek a large bluff was visited for sunrise action. A layer of fog covered the Buffalo in the distance and to a lesser degree the valley of the creek. After time spent at the surface I entered the valley depths. Water Creek is a beautiful stream with low bluffs and high bluffs. It has many curves. A few small fish were caught and released along the way in its assorted small pools. I followed the creek bed for more than two miles until it merged with the Buffalo. It was there that lunch was had on one of the many large gravel bars. After that, my attention turned to getting back to the ridge top and accomplished that task without much difficulty. I entered the woods at 5:00 and exited at 12:00. The temp coming was 70° and 82° going. The total hike covered 6.9 miles. Every creek that feeds the Buffalo has a very different character. This creek had a lot of character.