Blaylock Creek Area
Foggy hike to a bluff near Blaylock Creek and Brush Heap Mountain
  It rained for two days. The Saturday morning forecast had the higher risk for residual rain in the northern aspect of the state. To avoid this, I went southwest, to the Ouachita National Forest in the Little Missouri River watershed. In 2013 a hike I made took me to the top of Brush Heap Mountain just off the Athens-Big Fork Trail. Looking to the west an interesting ridge caught my attention. A mental note was made to come back some day and find it. Find it I did. At 6:00 a.m. with 43° the short journey began. It was foggy and the shrubbery was wet with moisture and small particles of water. Breakfast was at Waffle House in Hot Springs just before arriving here. I was not killed there. 
  Sunrise was scheduled for 7:10. This was not to be, for the clouds and mist thought it a good day to prevent visualization. The view was still wondrous and the fog slowly lifted as the light of day increased. After time was spent above the valley, my direction turned downward to the valley floor. The terrain was riddle with a variety of deadly rocks...each making attempts at my life. None succeeded. This ephemeral stream was flowing well. My timing was right, for it was a continuous series of falls. Most days of the year it would be empty or just a mere trickle. It was followed downstream for a short while. I then headed back towards whence I originated. With cloudy skies the forest was exited at 11:00 with 49°. My total distance was 2.4 miles. This was a short hike but was quite taxing. I then drove home and partook of assorted refreshments.

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