Piney Forks
Overnight backpack to the Piney Forks, upper Big Piney Creek, Ozark National Forest
  Seems to be a pattern...rain coming in on Saturday. That's a good opportunity to get out Friday night and beat the wetness. My wife is out with her associates, so why not. Therefore, after work, I mounted the upper plateau in northwest Arkansas. I mounted it hard...real hard. With great speed and agility my bluff camp site was located and the arrangements made for a comfortable stay there. The day was quite comfortable with a light breeze, some thin clouds and 68°. I savored these attributes with gusto while occupying this bluff location, as is my custom under most circumstances similar to the one described herein. The sun perished at 7:08 with little notice, lacking color and style. After dinner was enjoyed, a fire was created from local wood products found freely scattered all around me. The glow and crackle lent atmosphere that would have been lacking had a fire not been achieved. The sound of a whip-poor-will rose from the darkness not long after. It was my first occasion to hear one this particular spring season. A half moon fairly well lit the valley as an occasional bat passed overhead in erratic flight patterns. Combining these factors provided much pleasure.
  By 10:00 I retired to my temporary quarters. My expensive name-brand tent protected me from the deadly creatures that would soon come for me to feast upon my loins. A lesser quality shelter would have left me vulnerable to such attacks. My slumber was better than usual in related camping situations. The nearby waterfall sounds, no doubt, assisted with this. The alarm woke me at 4:30 and by 5:00 the camp was left behind and the climb out initiated. The temp was 47° and  the skies clouded, for rain was expected soon. Breakfast was had at DeWayne's in Dover and was everything an average man like me could ask for. Rain did complicate the drive home, but by 9:00 my home greeted me. I went inside and began the post camping routine.

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