Richland Creek Wilderness AreaOvernight backpack in the Richland Creek Wilderness Area with bluff action
Finally the temperatures are cooling a little here in the early fall. Friday morning I made my way north and stopped at Dewayne's in Dover for breakfast. I then made my way up Hwy 7 and entered the Richland Creek Wilderness Area at 7:30 with some high fog and 60°. The trail that parallels the creek was followed to Twin Devils Falls where I observed a low flow of water coming over the right side. From there it was to Richland Falls where the flow was somewhat more pleasant to watch. There I had lunch before heading up the hill to my bluff for the evening. By mid afternoon the temp was around 75° with mostly sunny skies and some clouds creeping in from the south. The evening was pleasant with a fair sunset, but nothing spectacular. A fire was created and as the light faded I relaxed with a fine view of the Richland Valley. I slept moderately well in the hammock with a low of 57°. The morning was clear and lovely. The bluff location was exited and by 9:15 with 66° I arrived back at the car. My hike total was 6.1 miles.