Piney ForksBackpacking the Piney Forks with bluff on creek action, upper Big Piney Creek
It is fall and my brother and I are due for our biannual outing. On this occasion I chose a valley filled with peril. Massive rock walls and raging creeks will attempt to block our progress. We will, however...prevail. These deterrents, along with numerous wild land creatures, will only make us laugh as we traverse this rugged countryside. In order to accomplish this task, fine nutrients are needed. We filled our raging gullets with breakfast items provided by Dewayne's in Dover. After this, our journey began. Please be aware that we do not recommend that the average outdoors person to attempt what we do here. It is highly dangerous and you will surely die.
We entered the deadly forest just after 10:00 with our heads on a swivel, for this was the first day of modern gun deer hunting season. We came not to hunt animals, but to wrestle them. Many animals burst forth from the shrubbery to engage us, but we put them down, each in their turn. Close to noon, we met the creek and took our luncheon break. A long cataract in the creek provided rocky perches for our enjoyment. The sun did bathe us in golden warmth as we viewed the fall colors reflecting on the sparkling waters. After time here we climbed to bluff line level and followed it to the east. After many near falls into the gorge below we arrived at the selected location for the night. This camp had a fair view but some directions were obscured by the majestic pine trees that dotted the rocky terrain. Camp was prepared. The day was a fine one for this duty. The temp was around 45° earlier but rose to around 60° that afternoon. By now the word was out that the woodland creatures need not attempt to fight us, for our superiority was no match for their puny bodies. Only bears would be worth wrestling, but none appeared.
At sunset we ate some foodstuffs and admired the valley as the light dwindled into darkness. A fire was lit with rudimentary tools...namely, two rocks. The blaze was kept compact as the space was not expansive. The temp dropped quickly and I was in bed by 9:00 with the finest of sleeping gear surrounding my body. All items were expensive and custom made for my sleeping style. My night was uneventful with no animal attacks. I rose at 6:15 with 36° and a beautiful sunrise. We headed up the slope by 8:15 and made it back to the vehicle within minutes. The drive home was pleasant. Many animals were run over along the way...some by accident. This was a fine trip. Please remember...do not try to duplicate these hike for you will fail...well, you might not fail...but most likely you will.