Backpacking action on a bluff above Hurricane Creek
"If it were known, I would fear the valley below. The knowledge is lacking...therefore I fear not". This passage was taken from the explorer James Bob Squibnibbler's personal journal dated March 3rd, 1809. These words guide me in all endeavors...even though they make no sense. No wonder I'm an idiot. On Friday afternoon I arrived at the edge of the Hurricane Creek Wilderness Area. The day was mostly sunny with some clouds and a temp around 55°. The woods were entered and after much toil, my perch for the night was mounted. Time was limited so a minimal camp was set tent...just on the ground action. By 5:30 the sun was gone, but its remnants remained for nearly 30 minutes. The wind calmed and the evening cooled to 45° quickly. There was no plan for a fire on this night. My cozy bed was occupied early. I slept on and off with numerous coyote calls throughout the night. The skies became cloudy by midnight and there was no change by 6:30 when I rose. It was 34°. Camp was easily broken and soon I was making my way back from whence I came. This outing was of decent quality and its memory will be added to all the others in my collection.