Upper Buffalo Wilderness Area
Bluff hike of autumnal solo action with my pet tarp
This wilderness...ah yes. So many damned times I have wandered within its boundaries. On this exquisite autumn day, our paths did cross again. At 4:50 with 45°, the shrubbery edge was crossed and the darkness caressed me gently. A suitable bluff top was occupied well before sunrise. Densely packed fog sluggishly floated in the valley below me. I pondered this occurrence with vague curiosity and wondered how this moist mass would affect my experience. The sun rose and the fog did never rise to obscure my views. After much rejoicing, the bluff line was traced and noted to be if fine quality. Then I exited the forest. This happened at 10:50 with 53° and massive sunshine. Miles laid down on the forest floor came to 4.8 of those units.