How many Indian Creeks are there in Arkansas? Well I don't know but last week I paddled down the Indian Creek that flows into Big Piney Creek. This week I hiked around the Indian Creek that flows into the Buffalo River near Kyles Landing. Next week...well, you know. This Indian Creek was seen by me, for the first time back in February of 2015. I have yet to hike along the creek itself but have stayed around the less traveled edges. As usual, when driving up Hwy 7, breakfast was at Denny's in Russellville around 3:15. They have good coffee. By 5:15 arrival was made at Kyles Landing Campground, which appeared to be full on this Labor Day weekend.
At 5:30 I passed by many quiet tents, leaving skunks at the doors of all that displayed the Ozark Trail badge of dishonor. The trail was found and mounted with little difficulty, even though its location was unknown to me. The Buffalo River Trail was followed upwards as the fog increased in density. The skies above the layer of mist were clear and the temp was a lovely 58°. At an elevation of 1600 feet my target trail was nowhere to be found. I headed into the woods and eventually came across the semblance of a trail and followed it. Soon my way was made down to a ragged bluff's edge. The cliffs in this gorge are imperfect compared to the ones along the Buffalo. They are ragged and crumbling. I dare say, they are deadly. Narrowly averting demise, the tip of one of these very bluffs was safely crawled out onto. Fog hid most of the valley. Now 7:20, the sun had already risen but was not evident beyond the wall of fog. I savored the silence.
By 9:30 the fog was still present so all was packed up in preparation to climb back out. Just as I was leaving, the sun revealed much of the valley, as is typical. The overgrown trail was traced to the south until it crossed Indian Creek well above the falls area. A huge hog was encountered just before crossing the creek and as we locked eyes it turned and fled. The sound it made was like that of an elephant as it trampled the underbrush. The trail aimed me back to the south where a few more lesser porkers were seen. This entire trail was overgrown and rough, but passable. No ticks were seen on my body habitus the entire hike...strange indeed. While stopped to water the flowers, I glanced to my right and noticed a bear just off the trail not too far away. I quickly turned on my camera and moved in its direction with just enough time to record it crossing the trail ahead of me. I gave chase but it evaded my attempt to ride it.
The trail eventually headed downhill in an abrupt manner with no switchbacks. Many small rocks tested my balanced by rolling under my feet. If only I had some trekking poles...not! By 12:05 I strolled into the bustling campground and arrived back at my car with a comfy temp of 73°. The hike tallied in at 8 miles. No humans were met along my path...only creechters.